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Advancing The Kingdom of God
Yeshuan Ministries exists as a supports ministry & was begun by Pastor Philip D. Roberts; &, his wife, Dolores E. Roberts.
Among the facets of ministry supported by The Hand of God, through Yeshuan Ministries, are assistance provided to Abandoned Mothers & Children, other outreaches to those less fortunate; &, in need, provisions for travel & associated expenses incurred by IPOCI; & too, provisional support, as well as ministerial support to those ministries which are associated with Yeshuan Ministries.
On March 11th, 2009 Yeshuan Ministries became the primary sponsor of
International Pillars of Christ, Inc
Greetings in The Love of Yeshua!!!
Hi, we are Pastor Philip & Dolores Roberts, representing Yeshuan Ministries. (Please visit our Y.M. History page for clarity regarding Yeshua & Y.M.)
International Pillars of Christ, Inc is represented by brothers Philip Roberts, Roger Toreta; &, his brother, Rodney Toreta; all of Ilo Ilo City, Philippines
Inspired by The Holy-Spirit; &, carried out, solely, according to His guidance & direction, the role & focus of IPOCI is clearly defined as primarily, an apolistic ministry, established to challenge the church leadership to commit to holiness, in order to erect straight pillars in The House of God, rebuilding it on the solid foundation of The Truth of His Word, without compromise!
Our current focus is in The Philippines although we have been instructed by God, via The Holy-Spirit, to engage in missions endeavors in Israel, as well. At present, the 3 men, who have been assigned to this mission, are formulating plans for travel throughout The Philippines, with an expectation for future travels to Taiwan & beyond, as we carry out our assignment.
While we have no guarantee of financial support from any individual(s); &/or organization(s), we do have God's guarantee, as set forth in Phil 4:19 that regardless of circumstance, our God shall supply all our need, according to His riches in glory, in & through Yeshua!
For more information, please visit our About Us page.
May God's abundant Favor continually abound to you, throughout 2009; Continuing in His service, Rev. Philip D. Roberts